First things first, definitely don’t look at your feet! When we are learning the steps it sometimes helps to keep an eye on your toes so to not step on anyone else’s, but it can become a habit which is hard to break later on.

As soon as you’re feeling comfortable with step patterns you’ll want to keep your eye level up. If you’re not looking at your partner, it’s good practise to focus on a spot on the wall a bit higher than your normal eye line. That way it will encourage good posture.

Dancers look the most confident when they have good posture and are looking in one clear direction at a time. When travelling across the floor you’ll want to focus in the direction you are going and then quickly change to the new direction you plan to travel to.

When looking at your partner it’s best to actually look into their eyes and make sure you’re on the same page, if that feels a little daunting you can focus just between the eyebrows to give the same appearance without being so intimidating.

Have a go and try pay attention to what you’re focusing on when you're dancing. Are you looking at your feet? Keeping an eye on your partner? Or distracted by that hottie walking in the room? 🔥
